Friday, August 15, 2014

Calming Glitter Bottle

I have seen this floating around the internet forever. We never really got around to trying it. That was until today. I was at the dollar store and saw glitter glue so I picked some up. It takes minimal supplies and not a lot of work. No crafting ability needed. (Big plus for me). So here are the directions.

Glitter Glue (I used two small bottles from the dollar store but you could use one large as well)
Clear Glue (This I picked up from the grocery store for 99 cents)
loose glitter (We had some loose glitter that came with something so we just used what we had)
Water Bottle (I took one of husbands used large bottles)
Super Glue (Trust me glue the lid down or you will be sorry, Unless you like glitter floors)

1) Fill bottle halfway with warm water. Warm water helps dissolve the glue a little.

2) Add your Glitter Glue.

3)Add loose Glitter.

4) Add water until bottle is 3\4 full.

5) Add Clear Glue a little at a time. More glue = settles slower. More water = settles faster.

6) Once the glitter settles at your desired spread. Fill with water. Leave some air at the top.
Shaking it to dissolve the glue

7) Super Glue the lid on.

8) That's all your done.

We did more clear glue so the glitter does not settle. Lucy just likes watching the glitter move around but not the settling so much. She also had some stickers laying around, so she used one for decoration.

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